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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science

Expermental Physics 4 – Prof. Dr. Werner Köhler

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Teamfoto der Experimentalphysik 4, Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Werner Köhler.

Welcome to the group Experimental Physics IV of Prof. Werner Köhler at the Physics Department
of the University of Bayreuth

We are an experimental physics group working on dyanmics and transport in fluids and soft matter. Most of our research is based on optical techniques.


Keywords polymers, colloids, thermodiffusion, Soret-effect, nonequilibrium fluctuations, microgravity, spinodal decomposition, ​glass transition, nonlinear dynamics, structure formation, holography, light scattering, interferometry, microscopy

Topics for Master- and Bachelor theses are always available. Please contact Prof. Werner Köhler directly.

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Werner Köhler

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